
From Fear to Friendship - Fostering friendships among all Americans


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

AMV Multifaith Peace Picnic & Prayers on 9/ 11 anniversary

AMV 911-2020 Candles2

AMV Report: American Muslim Voice (AMV) held a Multifaith Peace Picnic & Prayers via Zoom to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 on Friday, September 11, 2020. The program included Multifaith prayers.

Eileen Altman, Associate Pastor at First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, welcomed the guests. Emcee was Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson, Lecturer of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University.Eileen Altman

Multifaith Prayers:  Farha Andrabi, President Of MVPA Musalla (Mosque), offered Muslim prayer while Rabbi Sheldon Lewis, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, offered Jewish prayer and Rev. Dr. Emma Jordon-Simpson, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation , offered Christian prayer. Vera Michalchik , the Bahá'í representative to Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice offered  "Reflections on unity." Eileen Altman, Associate Pastor at First Congregational Church of Palo Alto

Samina Sundas, the Founding Executive Director, of the  American Muslim Voice Foundation expressed her reflections on the tragic event of 9/11.  The next speaker was Nancy Meyer, member of Peaceful Tomorrows residing in Nebraska. She is sister-in-law of 9/11 Flight 93 victim Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas. 

There was a presentation “Black Lives Matter” about the Victims of Police brutality in 2020. Recording of  the speech of Julia Jackson, mother of police brutality victim Jacob Blake was shown. She called for unity, not division.

Rayan Chowdhry
Naiel Ahmed Chaudry
Punhal Ahmed Chaudry
Abdullah Navaid

From left: Rayan Chowdhry, Punhal Ahmed Chaudry, Naiel Ahmed Chaudry and Abdullah Navaid

School children, age 9 to 15 thrilled the audience with their presentations:

“Salaam/peace”, an original poem by Rayan Chowdhry, age 9 grade 4;

“Rise up for justice”, Malala’s story by Punhal Ahmed Chaudry, age 9 grade 4:

“Smoke in the air”, An original poem by Naiel Ahmed Chaudry, age 11 grade 6 and

“Amazing Grace”, by Machelle Ahmed, Junior in High Schoolage 15.

Dr. Dot Maver, a peace builder and educator who inspires cooperation on behalf of the common good, spoke about “Building peace in the midst of hate.” Dr. Dot Maver is a co-founder of Global Silent Minute, National Peace Academy USA, and River Phoenix Center for Peace building and Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace. Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson

Karen Bergen. Lay service leader at Congregation Etz Chayim in Palo Alto, presented a Hebrew song Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu that means, “Peace Will Yet Come Upon Us.”

Young  Abdullah Navaid offered a peace prayer.

“Closing Prayer” was performed by Eric Sabelman, a member of the Palo Alto Friends Meeting. She also serves on the Steering Committee of Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice.

Emcee Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson asked the participants to light candles for peace.

Rachel Beningh of  "Peace Crashes over Me" sang “Light the night for peace and Friendship” on piano.

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